No. of Blind People in India.
No. of Blind People in Bihar.
Vision restored by us till 31st March 2020.
The hospital provides many specialized services and possesses seven full-fledged operation theatres with advanced diagnostics equipment. Since, its inception in December 2004, SSLN has been working towards prevention of blindness in and around Bihar (India) and till April 2019, it has performed more than 1,75,000 cataract & other eye surgeries such as Glaucoma, DCR, DCT, Squint, etc.; out of which more than 80% are done free of cost.
Right from the beginning, ‘High Volume and High Quality’ has been the forte of Sri Sai Lions Netralaya.Presently, Sri Sai Lions Netralaya is flourishing through innovative measures like intensive outreach screening camps through mobile eye clinic and establishment of vision centres with GPS based patient’s data and integrated hospital management system.
Your thoughtful donations can help people see the light of the day again. Non-Paying patients in rural...
Your support of Rs 600 can be used to provide refractive glass to a child so donate and transform the ...
Share your special day by giving the gift of vision to the needful and day making it a memorable event in your...
Though the memory of loved one never fades from our heart and mind; Neverthless we want to pay tribute...
Village Adoption Program is an initiative to provide quality eye care to the indigent patients of Bihar...
This is the silent story of struggle and pain of suffering humanity Living in the hinterland of Bihar.
A Cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye which leads to a decrease in vision.
Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to your eye's optic nerve and gets worse over time.
Dacryocystitis is an infection of lacrimal sac secondary to obstruction of naso lacrimal duct.
“Are you blind?” take a step back and recall how many times do we actually use this phrase in our daily conversations, we do not even pay attention, but Kamala Devi, a-77- year old cataract patient gets teary-eyed when reminded of the taunts. Cataract was clouding her vision for the past 6 months; she struggled even to glass of water Read more...
Count My Fingers? "Can you count the number of fingers", asked Vijendra's grandson and laughed. This is how he plays with his grandson now. Having recently got his vision back, he is making the most of the time he had lost due to cataract. But, his sadness is that he missed out on seeing his grandson grow. Looking back, those 3 years were the toughest times. His one remark “Body is worthless without eyes” makes it so clear Read more...
His eyes became wet when he narrated his ordeal to us. Bharat Thakur is the sole bread earner of his story. Even at the age of 65 he worked as a barber to earn his livelihood and his small family consisting of his old wife. But ever since he lost his eyes due to Cataract, he not only lost his Vision but also his Only Source of Income Read more...
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